Business travellers
A class of its own for business travellers
In addition to our offers for single and double rooms as well as suites and apartments, we offer our business customers further options. For longer stays, we are happy to arrange individual rates for you or accommodate you in our boarding house with a private entrance. For company events, professional trainings or seminars you can use our well equipped conference room or boarding room.

Raum für Ihre Meetings, Seminare & Events
Are you looking for an appealing location for training, seminars or team-building events? In the middle of our water world, we offer a large meeting room for up to 20 people or our boarding room for up to 6 people featuring daylight, modern technical equipment and private terrace. Especially our multifunctional TV is very popular with guests who wish to work analog and digital.
For bigger events, we can accommodate up to 60 people in our comfortable dining room. Decoration matching your theme as well as catering are available on request.

Raum für Ihre Meetings, Seminare & Events
Are you looking for an appealing location for training, seminars or team-building events? In the middle of our water world, we offer a large meeting room for up to 20 people or our boarding room for up to 6 people featuring daylight, modern technical equipment and private terrace. Especially our multifunctional TV is very popular with guests who wish to work analog and digital.
For bigger events, we can accommodate up to 60 people in our comfortable dining room. Decoration matching your theme as well as catering are available on request.

Individual rates and custom rates
We are pleased to offer individual rates to companies and associations with a demand for longer stays, regular overnight stays or group accommodation. Just contact us if you are interested and we will find a suitable solution in a personal conversation.
Individual rates and custom rates
We are pleased to offer individual rates to companies and associations with a demand for longer stays, regular overnight stays or group accommodation. Just contact us if you are interested and we will find a suitable solution in a personal conversation.

Sie suchen für einen neuen Mitarbeiter zum Start eine Langzeitunterkunft als zweites Zuhause? Im Hotel am Zoo bieten wir mit unserem Boardinghouse mit separatem Eingang besondere Angebote. Individuell auf Ihren Bedarf schneidern wir nach Ihren Vorgaben eine Lösung, die Ihnen das „wie-zu-Hause-Gefühl“ gibt. Oder Sie entscheiden sich für eines unserer Service-Appartements mit eingebauter Küchenzeile und Kühlschrank
Firmentarife & Langzeitmiete
Für Firmen und Verbände mit über längere Zeiträume planbaren Bedarfen an Zimmern bieten wir individuelle Raten an. Verlässlich und flexibel. Über unsere Firmentarife und die Raten für Langzeitmieten informieren wir Sie gerne in einem individuellen Gespräch

ENTFERNT: Mehr Exklusivität für Ihre Geschäftsreise: unser Boardinghouse
In our comfortable apartment you can spend your time pleasantly even if you are staying for a long time. For example, if you want to provide your new employee a temporary accommodation. In addition to a built-in kitchenette, refrigerator and private terrace, one of the major benefits of our boarding house is a separate entrance, which provides you with as much flexibility as if you were in your own home. For even more comfort for extended stays, our boarding house comes with an extra large bathroom and a sofa sleeper.
If you are looking for some relaxation at the end of the day, we would like to invite you to our sauna on the top floor or welcome you at our hotel bar on the ground level.
ENTFERNT: Mehr Exklusivität für Ihre Geschäftsreise: unser Boardinghouse
In our comfortable apartment you can spend your time pleasantly even if you are staying for a long time. For example, if you want to provide your new employee a temporary accommodation.
In addition to a built-in kitchenette, refrigerator and private terrace, one of the major benefits of our boarding house is a separate entrance, which provides you with as much flexibility as if you were in your own home. For even more comfort for extended stays, our boarding house comes with an extra large bathroom and a sofa sleeper.
If you are looking for some relaxation at the end of the day, we would like to invite you to our sauna on the top floor or welcome you at our hotel bar on the ground level.